Final Submission: Christmas on the Moon

Motivational Images
The idea of this image is to have a Christmas party on the moon. The three robots and cat on the moon images are from the Netfilx television series Love Death + Robots . The story is about long after the fall of humanity, three robots embark on a sightseeing tour of a post-apocalyptic city. And the cats occupies the moon as their homeland. The third image is from the Nintendo game Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which shows a Christmas party scene.
The idea behinds our project proposal is to generate a similar scene as in the motivational images, we do not intend to reproduce the images exactly, but want to combine these scenes: Some robots and creatures are on the moon for Christmas party, and there is an earth (flooded by lava) on the background. We assume that the Moon will snow in the future and that ice exists. Vegetation is also present. We also want to create chimneys with smokes coming out. These scenes may show a few interesting phenomena for rendering, e.g. different matrial of surface, glossy reflections, homogeneous medium, emissive texture etc.